Our signature material.

We live, vibrate and think carbon fibers.

Though the BELULL adventure began in the industrial world, we decided to upcycle our carbon fiber products. We use our surplus production to make luxurious, refined design objects that are in keeping with the virtuous upcycling trend.

Materials made with carbon fiber have a unique aesthetic thanks to their anthracite color and smooth or twisted look. The color varies in intensity based on the light and each material can have a matte or shiny look. The lightness of carbon fiber can even evokes dragonflies, birds or floating leaves. This precious material, priced between gold and titanium. It has unparalleled mechanical performances that create airy, slender, fine objects. And since carbon fiber is as rigid as steel, it can support heavy weights for furniture that is not only sturdy but also robust.

Though some designers have proposed pieces for us in 100% carbon, we decided to associate it with natural materials to give our own creations a soft, elegant look. Thus the wood, metal, marble or leather we use magnifies the carbon fiber and highlights its advantages.
Que l’aspect soit léger ou massif, aérien ou ancré au sol, vous aurez sûrement des coups de cœur. We hope you likeour collection